Junior Church is our Sunday morning activity for those 3 years old to primary 7. With the exception of the 1st Sunday of the month, when everyone is in church for our Family Service, we meet in the Large Hall at 10.30am, whilst the service is taking place in the Worship Room.
All of our activities are based around Bible stories and we have great fun with games, crafts and quizzes.
About 15 minutes before the end of the church service we head through to the worship room so that we can be part of the service too.
March 2017
Daily Prayers - Recently our Junior Church spent their time together writing their understanding of the Lord's Prayer; we share it with you in its simplicity.
Our Father in Heaven
Help us to honour your name
Come and set up your Kingdom
So that everyone on earth will obey you
As you are obeyed in Heaven
Give us our food for today
Forgive us foe doing wrong,
As we forgive others.
Keep us from being tempted
and protect us from evil.
Harvest Appeal 2019 - Project Doctor
On Sunday 20th of October at our Harvest Thanksgiving Service the Junior Church introduced us to their Harvest project for 2019. They have decided to support 2, (no 3!) charities this year. Everyone at the service was given a Smartie tube and asked to enjoy the sweets but also to save coins in the Smartie tube and to bring them back when filled. The children have decided to support the following projects:
Medecins sans Frontieres -
an international charity which provides medical personnel anywhere in the world where there is a desperate need. The work we will support is concerning the worldwide issue of landmines which are often uncharted and therefore doubly dangerous to civilians. People of all ages are injured and killed by these weapons of war. Medecins sans Frontieres provide much needed medical help to those who are affected in so many parts of the world.
The Smile Train -
this charity works to train local doctors to perform surgery on children who have been born with a cleft palate to allow them to be integrated with their peers at school and as adults. This prevents bullying and allows the children to progess through school and into useful adulthood. A transforming prospect!
Toilet Twinning -
Does it cost £60 to build a toilet?
"We strongly believe that education is the key to ending poverty. When people have knowledge, they can make informed choices about their lives. And bring about change for the long term.
So when you donate £60 to Toilet Twinning (thank you), it’s unlikely that your £60 will pay for a latrine pit and slab. It’s much more likely that you’ll be helping to fund an education process that involves relationships, community meetings and workshops."
All donations are gratefully accepted for these 3 projects and can be handed in to church on a Sunday morning,
Thank you very much from the children and their families who will be helped by this project.