St Ninian's Parish Church

Tel: 01592 610560

Children and Youth

OPERATION FOOD at St Ninians Parish Church, Glenrothes.

This year’s Junior Church Harvest Project is to support UNICEF and centring around the plight of nearly 12 million children in the Yemen who are threatened with starvation. Also, looking to “twin the church’s fridge”. By donating £30 to twin our fridge, we can help provide emergency food and livelihood support to families across the world who are suffering extreme hunger due to Covid-19, spiralling inflation, job losses, failed harvests, civil unrest and war.

All donations and filled Smartie tubes will be gratefully received on Sunday mornings.

Thank you and God bless.



Update, 22/11/2021

To date the total raised is £157. Many thanks to everyone for their support, and please continue to support our Operation Food.

Update 23/11/2021 

The updated total to date is now £360. Let's keep the donations coming in... and thank you for your support. 

Children and Youth

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